Monday, January 5, 2015

Easy Squash Soup

It's a cold, dark day today, and I have a snuffly husband on the couch - a perfect day for soup! Digging around this morning, I discovered I had several varieties of squash hiding away in the dark corners of my cupboard under the stairs. One of them, I have no idea what to do with. It looks like a giant yellow pattypan. I think my darling husband picked it up at a local farm some time ago....

Picture this, but the size of a dinner plate.

Anyway, for this soup I am sticking to the old standby acorn squash.

First, preheat your oven to 400*.  Wash 1 acorn squash and 1 large sweet potato. Puncture them both with a knife and roast them for 1 hour. ( I use foil or parchment on a cookie tray for easy clean up). Cool for 15 minutes or so for easier handling.
Heat a large pot on med/high heat with a bit of butter, avocado oil, or another high heat oil.  Chop 2 carrrots, 2 garlic cloves, and 1 small onion and saute them in oil until softened.
Add about 3 cups of chicken stock and your peeled and seeded cooked squash and sweet potato.
Stir in a dash of cayenne, a pinch of nutmeg and a sprinkle of curry powder.  Bring to a simmer and cook for about 10 minutes or until all the vegetables are soft.
Add more chicken stock or water if it looks like it might be too thick.
Blend soup with an immersion blender, blend in batches in the blender, or mash with a potato masher until desired consistency is reached.
Serve with a good dollop of sour cream or garnish with parsley or parmesan cheese.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Closet Clearing and Downton Abbey

Well, it's January again, and I haven't written a post since this time last year. Can you guess what my New Year's Resolution is every year? I have been very busy over the Christmas season felting Christmas stockings, crocheting bunting, knitting cowls, needle felting ornaments and peg loom weaving. I resolve to write a post about each one of those activities in the coming days.

What is on my mind right this minute is my closet. It is jam packed with clothes I don't wear and don't fit. I want to start the year out with a few lovely pieces, and really enjoy wearing them often. At present, I often forget I have them as they are lost within the masses. So this afternoon, I am going to do a giant clear out, with a trip to the thrift shop first thing tomorrow.

Last night I stayed up way too late and watched Enchanted April for the zillionth time. I absolutely love the clothes in that movie and would love to dress that way.

This morning, I spent a couple of idle hours on the laptop just looking at 1920's style dresses. They look so lovely, feminine and comfy, and if you don't have a stick figure, a little bit frumpy.

I also discovered the "One Hour Dress" (available on Etsy. ) Apparently, if you are a competent seamstress, you can make a 1920's style dress in under an hour.

This new season of Downton Abbey is set in the '20's and this style of dress seems to be making a resurgence. I have only watched season 1 and half of 2, so I guess I had better catch up. It will be interesting to see if anyone actually adopts the style at all.  Other than me that is..
I am also in the painful process of growing out a pixie haircut. My favourite style of all time is a bob with full bangs and I have worn it on and off since my childhood. I think by the summer it might be able to be cut into a gorgeous bob something like this:
How gorgeous is that hair??