Sunday, January 4, 2015

Closet Clearing and Downton Abbey

Well, it's January again, and I haven't written a post since this time last year. Can you guess what my New Year's Resolution is every year? I have been very busy over the Christmas season felting Christmas stockings, crocheting bunting, knitting cowls, needle felting ornaments and peg loom weaving. I resolve to write a post about each one of those activities in the coming days.

What is on my mind right this minute is my closet. It is jam packed with clothes I don't wear and don't fit. I want to start the year out with a few lovely pieces, and really enjoy wearing them often. At present, I often forget I have them as they are lost within the masses. So this afternoon, I am going to do a giant clear out, with a trip to the thrift shop first thing tomorrow.

Last night I stayed up way too late and watched Enchanted April for the zillionth time. I absolutely love the clothes in that movie and would love to dress that way.

This morning, I spent a couple of idle hours on the laptop just looking at 1920's style dresses. They look so lovely, feminine and comfy, and if you don't have a stick figure, a little bit frumpy.

I also discovered the "One Hour Dress" (available on Etsy. ) Apparently, if you are a competent seamstress, you can make a 1920's style dress in under an hour.

This new season of Downton Abbey is set in the '20's and this style of dress seems to be making a resurgence. I have only watched season 1 and half of 2, so I guess I had better catch up. It will be interesting to see if anyone actually adopts the style at all.  Other than me that is..
I am also in the painful process of growing out a pixie haircut. My favourite style of all time is a bob with full bangs and I have worn it on and off since my childhood. I think by the summer it might be able to be cut into a gorgeous bob something like this:
How gorgeous is that hair??

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